Function point software project management

Your teams will always have the details they need, empowering them to deliver quality work on time and under budget. All project managers have a preference for how they like to plan and oversee their assignments. Having one place to view projects and tasks allows for easy adaptation on the fly, adjusting timelines and shifting priorities as required.

Use our project management software for creative and marketing agencies to connect your project plans, resources, tasks, time tracking in one place to avoid double entries. Keep it simple and remove unnecessary complications. Instead of shuffling between multiple platforms to track tasks, use a single screen to manage entire projects and stay on top of project deadlines.

These tools give you the confidence you need to know when there is capacity to take on new work and to flawlessly deliver results. Check out our blog and stay up to date with the latest industry trends and discover practical advice on how to grow and improve your agency. Check out our latest add-on product, Built-in Proofing , a seamless way to review and approve digital files! Get a personalized demo tailored to your business from one of our experts.

Users do, however, have the ability to download data from reports to spreadsheets so data can be arranged in a report of their choosing.

We needed a system that could handle deferred payments. And also a system that could "talk" to each other. We are now using Function Point with Quickbooks Online Integration, which was great, because our accountant was looking for a way for us to switch from Peachtree to Quickbooks. Hi Jamie, Thank you for taking out the time to review Function Point. We really appreciate your feedback and are especially pleased to hear about your experience with our customer success team and help center.

We're glad Function Point is helping your team get through their day and providing long-term value to your clients. Thank you for your feedback regarding FP reporting; please do not hesitate to reach out to your CSM who will be happy to walk you through the possibilities with custom reporting. Project Management Software. Function Point Software. Visit Website. Product Overview. User Reviews. Function Point is a web-based, all-in-one agency management and productivity software- manage client projects, forecast resources, integrate with QuickBooks, collaborate with internal teams, and track time, all within a single centralized platform.

Trusted by over customers globally, Function Point is specifically designed to help creative service agencies, internal marketing teams, and professional service firms alleviate the chaotic nature of operating their businesses and connect each stage of agency management. With Function Point, agencies can streamline processes, simplify collaboration, centralize information, and deliver real-time business data.

For over 2 decades the award-winning management solution has enabled hundreds of agencies to consistent Free trial: Not Available. Free version: Not Available. Full view. Find the right Project Management Software for you. Value for money. Customer support. Showing 1 - 5 of reviews View all reviews.

Write a review. Company size: employees. Time used: Less than 2 years. Review Source: Capterra This reviewer was invited by us to submit an honest review and offered a nominal incentive as a thank you. Pros Depth of information and availability of data. Cons Lack of ability to customize and support workflow options that are outside of established understandings within the system. Response from Function Point Productivity Software.

Review Source: Capterra This review was submitted organically. No incentive was offered. Our business is healthier and our employees are happier because of the things we can do and see now When it comes to project and operational management, there are loads of options that talk a good game. Reasons for choosing Function Point At the end of the day, our decision really landed on the fact that we felt understood by the Function Point team.

Reasons for switching to Function Point In April of we decided to completely overhaul our company's workflow operating system. Time used: More than 2 years. The Function Point team is always responsive and available Function Point has grown with us as we've grown as a company.

Pros Budgets, tasks, and schedules can all be connected and feed into each other, meaning less work for our team. Cons I think most things are specific to how we do business. The tool can also be used for more accurate evaluations that are usually required at the subsequent phases, when the technical solution has been decided.

In recent years, Telco Companies have undergone big transformations and evolutions; many drivers have been instrumental in these changes:. And things are still evolving so that in following years, the business models will change again, and new companies will offer bundled services for both the consumer and business markets.

In order to be a market leader, any Telco company, because of the tough competition, must continuously evolve its business and take care of several critical aspects, such as offerings, services, innovation, sales, multichannel caring etc. In this scenario, IT plays a fundamental role in supporting business goals and strategies: flexibility, time-to-market and quality of services are mandatory to achieving and controlling all these aspects, but they are not enough.

All we know: IT is often considered a cost for the company, but the business cannot evolve without the support of the ICT: new offerings, new technologies, and improved services can be launched only if the applications and the IT infrastructures are aligned with the Business Strategies.

In order to keep this alignment as tight as possible, several important factors must be managed:. The IT Department must modulate all these elements in order to ensure competitive time-to-market and high level customer services.

Portals and web applications play crucial roles; in fact, today it is probably the most accessed point of contact between the company and its customers. Thus, it is important that the availability of the services be kept very high. Moreover, very often, portals constitute a kind of abstraction level respect to the legacy systems services such as CRM, billing, and data warehousing.

In fact, especially for convergent Telco, the portals must give a unified and congruent view of all fragmented services offered by the numerous heterogeneous applications. Finally, portals must be always up-to-date with respect to the evolutions of all legacy systems. All these considerations, lead to the conclusion that the portals of a converged Telco company need a very high time-to-market and cannot be locked into rigid processes and procedures.

As described above, Telco Companies need to satisfy aggressive requirements in terms of time-to-market and continuous evolution of marketing ideas to develop new offerings and new services. This has an important impact on both the organization and processes of the company, and both will determine the success or failure of the launching new ideas in the market. In particular, the processes to develop IT applications must satisfy two main opposite properties:.

In order to satisfy these needs, it is possible to implement a three-modulated Project Management System Exhibit 1 :. Ideally, you can think of it as a wave with a predetermined modulation: it brings all its requests to the destination with a predefined timetable: all requests must respect the defined pre-scheduled activities and milestones. Our tool can be utilized during the entire schedule, but in particular it proves to be very useful, especially at the feasibility phase.

The slot-time to provide the estimation for all requests is very short weeks ; moreover, the functional specs, at this stage, usually are not well-defined. Thus, the tool we realized gives much support for reducing time and costs for the software evaluation. In this case, each project has its own plan that can satisfy all requirements in terms of time, costs, resources, and so forth.

These kinds of requests are not rare for web applications and portals, in which information, services or graphical elements may rapidly change and must be implemented in a few weeks and often, even in few days. In large companies, it is not easy to implement a formal and well-defined process that can support this big reactivity and flexibility: usually the number of people participating in the software life cycle is very high.

The main characteristic of Q-PM is the flexibility, obtained by removing a series of constraints and putting the engineering department at the center of the development process so they can work directly with the other departments involved in the process and be responsible for critical activities that are usually crucial for the project plans.

All these entities evolve together during the software life cycle; hence, we need to define processes and tools to measure them at all main phases of the life cycle: feasibility, design, development, testing, and so forth. The uncertainty of the estimations may have important impacts on several aspects of the entire project:.

There is a vast domain of software measures and methodologies that we can employ to try to reduce the estimation error. Many of these are very complicated, and often cannot even be applied at the beginning of the project because they require detailed information. At this point, we want to make a simple consideration: at the early phase of the project, applying the Pareto law, we deduce that it is not efficient to adopt a detailed and complicated methodology to estimate software.

This paper is not a dissertation on software measures; rather, in this section, we want to present just a brief overview of the main software measures and methodologies. So, in the following section, we provide a non-exhaustive classification of the most known software measures. Based on these measures, there are many evaluation methodologies; in the following section, we briefly describe the most known:. The model is by now invigorative software engineering artifact that has, from the customer's perspective, the following features:.

In general, COCOMO II estimates project cost, derived directly from person-months effort, by assuming the cost is basically dependent on the total physical size of all project files, expressed in thousands of single lines of code KSLOC. Use case modeling is an accepted and widespread technique used to capture the business processes and requirements of a software application. Because they provide the functional scope of the application, analyzing their contents provides valuable insight into the effort and size needed to design and implement the application.

In general, applications with large, complicated use cases take more effort to design and implement than small applications with less complicated use cases. Use Case Points UCP is an estimation method that provides the ability to estimate an application's size and effort from its use cases. Based on work by Gustav Karner in , UCP analyzes the use case actors, scenarios, and various technical and environmental factors and abstracts them into an equation.


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